Apostolic Fathers of the Church

Links to Writings of the Fathers of the Church

Catholic Christians believe that the promise of the Spirit of Truth to guide believers in truth is found in the constant faith of the Church preserved in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers. The term "Apostolic Fathers" applies to certain disciples and successors of the twelve apostles. In a more restricted sense, the term is applied to a group of Greek-language writers who were among the martyrs and major figures of the 1st and 2nd centuries in the Christian Church.

Clement I, St. (Clement of Rome) (Bio)


4th Bishop of Rome

Place and dates

r. 92 - 101


I Clement or Letter to the Corinthians (c. 96): earliest piece of literature outside the NT historically attested; addressed disputes in the Church at Corinth; 
II Clement (a sermon)(c. 140): Clementine authorship disputed

Ignatius of Antioch, St. (Bio)


Martyr for the faith 
Disciple of John the Evangelist 
Condemned to die by wild beasts in Rome 
Brought from Antioch to Rome and wrote seven letters to churches and individuals along the way

Place and dates

d. 110


Letter to Ephesians 
Letter to Magnesians 
Letter to Tralles 
Letter to Philadelphians 
Letter to Smyrnans 
Letter to Polycarp of Smryna 
Letter to Romans 
These contain warnings against heretical doctrines; contain detailed summaries of doctrines; and a picture of Church organization with bishops, presbyters (elders) and deacons 
First to stress Virgin Birth and to use the term "catholic church"

Polycarp of Symrna, St. (Bio)


Received a visit and letter from Ignatius 
Represented the Church of Asia Minor in meetings with Pope Anicetus 
Dating of Easter 
A teacher of Irenaeus 
Knew John the Evangelist and other apostles 
Was a disciple of John the Evangelist

Place and dates



Polycarp to the Philipians 
Martyrdom of Polycarp (about him)

Unknown Author of the Didache



Place and dates

(Syria) 70-110?


Didache ("Teaching"): 
A compendium of moral precepts, instructions on organization of church communities, liturgical worship and regulation.
It contains oldest Eucharistic prayer, directions on Baptism, fasting, prayer, treatment of bishops, deacons, prophets

Barnabas (Bio)


Surname of Joseph, a member of the early Christian church in Jerusalem (Acts 4:36) 
Companion of Paul 
Did missionary work with Mark (Acts 15:39)

Place and dates

c. 130


Letter of Barnabas 
Allegorical interpretation of the Old Testament

Papias of Hierapolis (Bio)


Contemporary of Polycarp 
Knew of a collection of the "sayings of the Lord" to have been written in Aramaic or Hebrew by Matthew

Place and dates

(Phrygia) 120?


Five Books of Exegeses of the Dominical Oracles: 
Quoted by Irenaeus 
Witness to the existence of Jewish Christianity

Hermas (Author Unknown)


Little known

Place and dates

(Rome) 140?


The Shepherd: a vivid description of early Christianity

Post-Apostolic Fathers of the Church

Paradosis or handing on or down of Divine Revelation is affirmed in Sacred Scripture. Hence, it must be found in some contiguous historical form from age to age. Catholic Christians believe that the promise of the Spirit of Truth to guide believers in truth is found in the constant faith of the Church as preserved in the writings of the Post-Apostolic Fathers.

The term "Post-Apostolic Fathers" is the name given by the Christian Church to the writers who established Christian doctrine before the 8th century. The writings of the Fathers or Patristic Literature synthesized Christian doctrine as found in the Bible, especially the gospels, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, ecclesiastical dictums, and decisions of the Church councils.

Justin (Martyr), St. (Bio)


Philosopher, theologian, early apologist, martyr 
Convert to Christianity

Place and dates

(Rome) 100-165


Apologies for the Christians: erudite defense of Christians against charges of atheism and sedition 
Dialogue with Trypho the Jew: a record of an actual discussion at Ephesus; valuable information about 2nd century Christian Church

Irenaeus, St. (Bio)


Heard the preaching of Polycarp the disciple of John the Evangelist 
Appointed the bishop of Lyon (177)

Place and dates

(Asia Minor) 140?-202?


Against the Heresies: written against the Gnostics; contributed to the knowledge of Gnosticism

Clement of Alexandria (Bio)


Greek theologian 
Converted from paganism 
Ordained a presbyter 
A teacher of Origen

Place and dates

(Athens) 150?-215?


Hortatory Address to the Greeks: a defense of the faith 
The Tutor: instruction in manners and morals 
The Miscellanies: a discussion of various points of doctrinal theology designed to guide the mature Christian to perfect knowledge

Tertullian (Bio)


Converted to Christianity between 190 and 195 
Became a presbyter of the Church (197) 
Zealous champion of Christianity 
Profoundly influences later Church fathers 
Embraced and became a leader of the Montanists (207?) a sect later declared heretical

Place and dates

(Rome) 160?-220?


Apologeticus (c. 197): his most famous work; a defense of Christians against pagan charges 
On the Claims of Heretics: argues that the Church alone has the authority to declare what is and is not orthodox Christianity 
On Baptism 
On Prayer: throws light on contemporary religious practices

Origen (Bio)


A student of Clement 
Ordained a presbyter 
The most accomplished biblical scholar of the early Church 
Father of the allegorical method of scripture interpretation 
He developed the idea of Christ as Logos or Incarnate Word

Place and dates

(Alexandria) 185?-254?


Against Celsus: closely reasoned apologetic work refuting the arguments advanced by the Celsus, the first serious critic of Christianity

Cyprian, St. (Bio)


Convert to Christianity c. 245 
Bishop of Carthage, 248 
One of the most authoritative Fathers of the Church 
Involved in controversy over treatment of those who had left the Church, and those who were baptized by heretics: accepted the teaching of Rome.

Place and dates

(Carthage) 200-258


On Unity of the Catholic Church: exposition of the hierarchical organization of the Church

Athanasius, St. (Bio)


Played a prominent role in the theological struggle in the Council of Nicea (325) 
Opposed Arius (256-336) who maintained that the Son was of a different substance from that of the Father, and was merely a creature 
Formulated the "homousian doctrine" that the Son of God is the same essence of substance of the Father 
Became bishop of Alexandria (328)

Place and dates

(Alexandria) 293-373


Discourses Against the Arians 
History of the Arians 
Apology Against the Arians 
On the Decrees of the Nicene Synod

Cyril of Jerusalem (Bio)


Bishop of Jerusalem in 351 
Embroiled in controversy over episcopal duties

Place and dates

(Jerusalem) 315?-387?


23 Treatises: addressed to catechumens and newly baptized; some treatises are doctrinal and present the creed of the Church; some are concerned with ritual and present a detailed account of Baptism, Eucharist and chrism

Basil, St. (Bio)


Brother of Gregory of Nyssa and a friend of Gregory of Nazianzus 
Patriarch of Eastern monasticism 
Wrote a rule of the monastic way of life 
Founded the Basilian monks (360) 
Bishop of Caesarea (370).

Place and dates

(Caesarea Mazaca) 329?-379


Against Eunomius: written against the Arian leader Eunomius 
On the Holy Spirit: a doctrinal treatise 
Moralia: an anthology of New Testament verses 
Liturgy of St. Basil

Gregory of Nazianzus, St. (Bio)


Bishop of Sasima (371) 
Took charge of the Nicene congregation of Constantinople where he delivered five discourses on the Trinity that earned him fame as "The Theologian"

Place and dates

(Nazianzus in Capadocia, now Turkey) 329?-389


Philokalia (Love of the Beautiful): an anthology of the writings of Origen

Gregory of Nyssa, St. (Bio)


Bishop of Milan (374) 
Fame is chiefly as a theologian

Place and dates

(Neocaesarea, now in Turkey) 335?-394


Against Eunomius: a defense of the Nicene Creed 
Great Catechetical Discourse: a defense of the Christian faith against Jews and pagans 
On Faith: a treatise against the Arians 
Ten Syllogisms: directed against the Apollinarists

Ambrose, St. (Bio)


Bishop of Milan (374) 
Defended the churches of Milan against Arianism 
Friend of Monica, mother of Augustine, and finally brought Augustine into the Church

Place and dates

(Tier, now in Germany) 340?-397


On Faith: a Christian morals manual 
On the Sacraments: an exegetical treatise 
On the Holy Spirit: an exegetical treatise 
Composed many hymns

Jerome, St. (Bio)


Biblical scholar 
Ordained a priest in 386 
Secretary to Pope Damasus I in 382 
Confronted many heresies, especially Pelagianism

Place and dates

(Stridon, present day Slovenia) 345?-419


The Vulgate: translated the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin, 383-384, in Rome

John Chrysostom, St. (Bio)


Ordained a priest in 386 
Greatest orator of the early Church 
Patriarch of Constantinople in 398

Place and dates

(Antioch, Syria) 349?-407


On the Priesthood 
Wrote commentaries, epistles, treatises, and liturgies

Augustine, St. (Bio)


Son of Monica (332?-387) 
Born a pagan 
Converted in 387 and baptized by Ambrose 
Ordained a priest in 391 
Bishop of Hippo (395) 
Combated Manichean heresy (conflict of Good and Evil) 
Martin Luther and John Calvin were close students of the works of Augustine

Place and dates

(Numidia, now Algeria) 354-430


Confessions (c. 400): his autobiography 
The City of God (413-426): great Christian apologia; a theological philosophy of history 
Retractions (428): final verdict of earlier works 
Epistles (386-429) 
On Free Will (388-395) 
On Christian Doctrine (397) 
On Baptism: Against the Donatists (400) 
On the Trinity (400-416) 
On Nature and Grace (415) 

Cyril of Alexandria, St. (Bio)


Patriarch of Alexandria in 412 
Leader of the Council of Ephesus, 431 
Instrumental in condemning Nestorianism

Place and dates

(Alexandria) 376-444


Against Nestorius 
Against Julian the Apostate 
Prolific writer

Gregory I, St. ("The Great") (Bio)


Prefect of Rome in 570 
Became a monk in 575 
Elected pope (r. 590-604) 
Enhanced prestige of the papacy 
Upheld Rome's traditional claims of church primacy over the patriarch of Constantinople 
Introduced liturgical reforms and Gregorian chant 
Extensive pastoral activity.

Place and dates

(Rome) 540?-604


Moralia: a commentary on the Book of Job 
Pastoral Care: describes the ideal bishop; instruction on the practice and nature of preaching 
Dialogues: legends of saints of his own time

John Damascene, St. (Bio)


Financial officer to Saracen caliph 
Resigned in 700 
Entered a monastery and ordained a priest 
Opposed the Iconoclasts

Place and dates

(Damascus, Syria) 675-749


Source of Knowledge: three part text of dogmatic theology in the early Greek church; contains a complete theological system based on the early Greek fathers and synods of 4th-7th centuries