Jesus Christ
Click here to download the files listed below.
Ann Ball - Holy Infant Jesus
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Life is Worth Living (Ascension)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Life is Worth Living (Christ in the Creed)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Life is Worth Living (Divinty of Christ)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Life is Worth Living (Humanity of Christ)
Craig Blomberg - Conspiracy of a Divine Jesus
Craig Bloomberg - Does History Really Teach Us of Jesus
Craig Bloomberg - Jesus Part 1
Craig Bloomberg - Jesus Part 2
Dallas Willard - The Genius of Jesus
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Behold, He Comes Meditations on the Incarnation
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 1 (What is Chrisitian Devotion)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 2 (Devotion of the Martyrs Experiencing Christ)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 3 (Devotion to Jesus as the Word of God)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 4 (Devotion of the King of Kings)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 5 (Devotion to the Crucified King)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 6 (Devotion to the Christ during the Dark Ages)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 7 (Devotion to the Christ Child)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 8 (The Oldest Devotion)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 9 (Devotion to Christ During the Reformation)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 10 (Devotion and Scripture)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 11 (Problems with Devotion)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 12 (Devotion in Our Times)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - Devotion to Christ 13 (Who Will Christ Be for us in the New Millennium)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 1 (God's Mercy Now)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 2 (God Loves And Likes Us)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 3 (A Modern Revelation Of Mercy)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 4 (God's Mercy Comes Into The World)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 5 (The Mercy Of God In Our Call To Salvation)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 6 (The Mercy Of God In The Church)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 7 (The Prodigal Son)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 8 (Christ, The Mercy Of God)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 9 (The Mother Of Mercy)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel - You and the God of Mercy 10 (Blessed Are The Merciful)
Fr. Eric Forbes - Loyalty To Christ
Fr. George Rutler - Faith Matters - Transfiguration
Fr. John Corapi - Teachings of Jesus 9
Fr. John Corapi - Teachings of Jesus 10
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Threshold Of Hope (Redeemer Of Man #1)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Threshold Of Hope (Redeemer Of Man #2)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Threshold Of Hope (Redeemer Of Man #3)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Threshold Of Hope (Redeemer Of Man #4)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Threshold Of Hope (Redeemer Of Man #5)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Threshold Of Hope (Redeemer Of Man #6)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Threshold Of Hope (Redeemer Of Man #7)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - Threshold Of Hope (Redeemer Of Man #8)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa - When Jesus Was Born (encore)
Fr. Paul Keenan - Catholic Spirituality 4 (I Believe In Jesus Christ)
Fr. Richard Hogan - Faith for Today 14 Redemption and the Two Natures of Christ
Fr. Richard Hogan - Faith for Today 15 Christ as Priest Prophet and King
Fr. Robert Altier - Jesus Christ God & Man #1
Fr. Robert Altier - Jesus Christ God & Man #2
Franciscan University RCIA - Jesus Part 1 of 2
Franciscan University RCIA - Jesus Part 2 of 2
Greg Pedroza and Dane Falkner - God Saves! (Jesus Christ)
Gregory Boyd vs Robert Price - Jesus Legend, Teacher, Critic, or Son of God
J.P. Moreland - The Modern Search for the Historic Jesus
Jesse Romero - What would Jesus do
Marcellino D'Ambrosio - Who is Jesus Christ
Mark Brumley - Is the Christ of Faith the Jesus of History
Mark Brumley - Was the Incarnation Necessary
N.T. Wright - Jesus
Peter Kreeft - Is Jesus the only truth
Phil Krill - The Eternal Word
Ravi Zacharias - Uniqueness of Christ
Ravi Zacharias - Who is Jesus and Why Does It Matter Q & A
Ravi Zacharias - Who is Jesus and Why Does It Matter
Ravi Zacharias - Who is Jesus, Is He the Truth
RCIA Classes at Franciscan University - Jesus Part 1 of 2
RCIA Classes at Franciscan University - Jesus Part 2 of 2
Richard Pratt - Is Jesus the Old Testament Messiah
Robert Spitzer - Divinity of Christ
Scott Hahn - Jesus, Moses, & the Prophets
St. Athansius - Incarnation 1
St. Athansius - Incarnation 2
St. Athansius - Incarnation 3
St. Athansius - Incarnation 4
St. Athansius - Incarnation 5a
St. Athansius - Incarnation 5b
St. Athansius - Incarnation 6
St. Athansius - Incarnation 7
St. Athansius - Incarnation 8a
St. Athansius - Incarnation 8b
Taylor Marshall - Jewish Messiah, Christian Christ
Thomas Howard - Faith Matters - The Incarnation
Timothy O'Donnell - Faith Matters - Devotion to the Sacred Heart
Timothy O'Donnell - Faith Matters - Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home
Timothy O'Donnell - Faith Matters - Jesus the God
William Craig vs John Crossan - The Historical Jesus 1
William Craig vs John Crossan - The Historical Jesus 2
William Craig vs John Crossan - The Historical Jesus 3
William Craig vs John Crossan - Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up